A group of marketing & communications professionals that targets content specifically related to healthcare and biomedical science fields at the University of Michigan. General interest topics include: discussing how to pitch science and health stories to various media outlets, patient-related social media efforts, and better telling research stories in regards to a variety of health topics. The group shares best practices, places high value on networking, and learns how to better promote their work.
Register for the Health sub-group
Steering Committee:
- Nardy Bickel, Michigan News
- Michael Brinich, School of Nursing
- Ian Demsky, Life Sciences Institute
- Nicole Fawcett, Rogel Cancer Center
- Kara Gavin, Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation (IHPI)
- Heather Guenther, Chemical Engineering
- Jillian Hayes, College of Pharmacy
- Martina Jerant, Center for RNA Biomedicine
- Andrea LaFerle, School of Public Health
- Mary Beth Lewis, Center for Interprofessional Education
- Mary Masson, Michigan Medicine
- Melissa Preddy, Taubman Research Institute
Past Presentations
- May 2018 — “Spring Clean Your Communication Toolbox”
- Understanding Altmetrics
- Going Live with Facebook Live
- Incorporating Project Management Tools
- February 2017 — “How not to hype” panelists Brian Zikmund-Fisher, Laurel Thomas Gnagey, Kara Gavin
- June 2016 – “The Complete Package: Tips & Tricks to Improve Writing, Design and Video,” panelists Ian Demsky, Lauren Stuart, Mary Masson, Joe Hallisy
- Oct 2015 — “When Viral is a Good Thing: Harnessing Social Media for Health
& Bioscience Messages” by Rhonda DeLong, Kara Gavin, Rich Retyi, Nikki
Sunstrum, and Eric Zanotti (panel – no presentation available)